Mixed Media Artist ~ Linda Giese


Our Mixed Media Art community is a diverse bunch; from all around the world, with different interests, reasons why we create and a wide range of skills. Over the next few weeks we will be featuring a range of mixed media artists to tell their stories and share their artwork.

Linda Giese is our featured artist this week and we’ll let her tell us about herself…


I’m Linda Giese.  I live in El Cajon, California, USA.  I’m married with 2 kids and 3 terrific grandkids.  My charmed life consists of tennis and Curves for my body, bridge for my mind and art for my soul.  Of course family trumps all.  I was published for the first time in Art Journaling magazine, Winter 2011 issue. I was beyond thrilled. I teach privately..art of course…and that is my passion.  I want everyone to have as much fun as I do.

I’ve included some journal pages and one canvas of a violinist.  I approach the canvas in much the same way as a journal page.  I often include napkins and tissue adhered with mod podge.  I often include foreign text. I am in the midst of 15 journals. Each seems to serve a different purpose. Small sketchbooks for travel and on the go sketches, big sketch books for bigger ideas, altered books for interesting ideas and page spreads that are more finished works of art like the canvas’, and small sketchbooks for small ideas.  I have an altered book for techniques, and a big sketchbook for zentangles. I also have 3 notebooks including a junque journal.

I don’t have a blog, but love to answer any art questions. Here comes that teacher in me..hehehe.

Love and hugs,



Violinist on Canvas

Violinist on canvas


Journal Layouts

Mixed Media Journal

Mixed Media Journal

Mixed Media Journal


Thanks for sharing your layouts and gorgeous canvas with us, Linda.

